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The Thirty Day Hubpages Challenge

I found the Thirty Day Challenge on Hubpages a few days ago and it got me excited because this challenge is an excellent way to begin a new blog and also start earning some money on the internetz. You may not be familiar with the challenge or Hubpages so here's a quick run down.

What is Hubpages?
Hubpages is an online site that will allow you to publish webpages also called "hubs" in hubpages lingo. These hubs can be linked with different accounts such as Clickbank, Adsense, eBay, Amazon, etc. Thus you can make money without having to create a blog. Hubpages is already an established website so you don't have to work hard to get readers. Of course if you do work hard good things will happen.

What is the Hubpages Thirty Day Challenge?

The Hubpages Thirty Day Challenge is a challenge created by The Keyword Academy. The idea of this challenge is that you write 100 hubs in 30 days and see if you can do it and how much your earning increase.

Right now I'm not earning anything so this will be a good way to get my blog rolling. According to my very brilliant calculations I'll have to write 4 articles a day for 10 days and then 3 articles every day for the rest of the challenge. :S Its going to be a long month.